A couple Short One

As my poetry can be extremely sort (like certain anatomical features), here's a couple, so short I leave them untitled:

Time counting down
What do I know
What do I feel
Deep down inside the depths
Word after word after word
Song after song after song
In this place I hide
In this place I am known
One out of many
Now I am one
In this place

If you were all alone forever
Would you kill yourself
Is the question I put to you
And I think everybody should say yes

How free can you be
Unless you join everybody
Dead and cold and in a box
Happy that you're alone in peace

I personally recommend it
To anyone whose life sucks
So much that they don't care
Except to watch a train bear down on you

A happy world in an unhappy world
Why do you think I use it so much
To describe life there is none better
But if you're dead you don't care